nature of society

美 [ˈneɪtʃər əv səˈsaɪəti]英 [ˈneɪtʃə(r) ɒv səˈsaɪəti]
  • 社会本质
nature of societynature of society
  1. Can we blame all these to the corruption of public moral and the corroded nature of society ? Or this is the loss of yourself only ?


  2. Ancient India : Nature of Society and Periodization of History


  3. In addition , it is significant to discuss the nature of society in pre-Qin period .


  4. In these examples , the nature of society becomes clearly different from what it was in the traditional model .


  5. Frost can be used to sympathize not only the adverse circumstances of the nature of society but also the power of justice .


  6. Among the multi-economic compositions in society , it is the composition in the leading position that determines the nature of society .


  7. Such as climate change and changes in life expectancy , the changing nature of society and changes in life expectancy seems to have some connection . 5 .


  8. You are depressed you are in such a thought has been restricting the thinking , moving the fight you seek to explore the positive nature of society ?


  9. From the class of theoretical study with the nature of society itself , the external environment at home and abroad , and other types of theoretical study on the impact of community and the school systems and resources , were discussed .


  10. For a long time , he insists that the changing of the leading class should be the criterion of the dividing of the Modern History of China , and refutes the more academic criterion : Dividing the periods of the Modern History of China by the nature of society .


  11. Secondly , the nature of the society described in the book ;


  12. It is the nature of socialist society to achieve social fairness .


  13. The right to development is a joint right , associated with several nature of the society .


  14. Debate on nature of Chinese society


  15. Some New Ideas on the Nature of Nanzhao Society


  16. This perspective is beneficial for us to disclose the nature of our society more deeply .


  17. The tribal nature of Libyan society adds a further layer of uncertainty .


  18. Protection of the basic rights of disadvantaged groups reveals the human-oriented nature of harmonious society .


  19. We must have some knowledge of the world , of nature , of society , past and present , Chinese and foreign .


  20. The animal nature of human society has still not been shed off though it looks being civilized .


  21. Gradual nature of Chinese society , economy , politics , culture and other aspects are subject to the impact of Western capitalism .


  22. These people don 't really support our policies ; they are only trying vainly to change the nature of our society .


  23. the latest in a series of articles on the nature of modern society an attempt to rationalize his violent behaviour


  24. The Interactions between Village Bludgers and the Village , Market and State : New View of Understanding the Nature of Rural Society and Rural Governance


  25. In his opinion , the nature of capitalism society decided that the capitalist conducts the exploitation and the working class is exploited .


  26. Many Koreans , particularly those on the left , bemoan the weak social safety net and the intensely competitive nature of the society .


  27. In addition , respondents indicate that the rich multicultural nature of Chinese society is an asset that helps them to better integration on and off campus .


  28. A clear understanding of the nature of Chinese society , that is , of Chinese conditions , is therefore the key to a clear understanding of all the problems of the revolution .


  29. The water well system stressed geographic relationships and reflected the special nature of rural society in the North . Research into this topic can help us to understand traditional northern rural society .


  30. Given the nature of Chinese society and the present targets and tasks of the Chinese revolution as analysed and defined above , what are the motive forces of the Chinese revolution ?
